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Fifty (50) States, The District Of Columbia, and All United States Territories Strategy

At the permission of each chair, a team of the executive leadership and I shall go on a speaking and listening tour to all fifty (50) states, the District of Columbia, and all United States territories. Party actors, former and current elected officials and candidates, grassroots organizations, volunteers, faith leaders, community members, and those from all walks of life shall be invited and engaged. Their thoughts, attitudes, positions, and ideologies shall be taken into the highest consideration and implementation in a strategic, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely (S.M.A.R.T.) manner.

Furthermore, I seek to collaborate with interest groups and local organizers to maintain and expand a mass mobilization and organization effort.  


Data-Driven, Research-Based, And Targeted Messaging And Marketing


Gone are the days of being mousey on the legislative, topical, and kitchen table issues of our time. The Democratic Party must holistically challenge the opposition and disseminate information with clarity to the nation. We must control the messaging of the hour and day through all mediums. That should be done through data-driven, research-based, and targeted messaging and marketing.


Also, a mass re-education plan shall emerge. We have to persuade voters to our values and with full throated expression has to why one should be in our Party. That will require intentional citizenship education in an academic sense (curriculum development and improvement) and hosting town halls in-person and virtually.  

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act And Freedom to Vote Act Passage

The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act And Freedom to Vote Act must come alive with full participation and sponsorship of Democrats at the congressional, state, and local levels at the start of each session and hold the vote open. We must build a grassroots movement and coalition for the passage of the two (2) pieces of legislation. 


Litigation Involvement

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has to be actively involved in litigation surrounding racial and partisan gerrymandering, and civil rights violations. Amici briefs, “friend of the court” briefs must be filed to support individuals and organizations who have been wrongly injured in those areas. 

Additionally, the Committee ought to support voting, civil rights, and social justice groups and private citizens who are on the frontlines fighting for a fair, inclusive, equitable and democratic society. 


Democrats Retaking The South

The South is the key to unlocking the door of liberation for the nation. The Work starts in the bedrock of the Confederacy, the birthplace of the First Civil Rights Movement. In the spirit of Dr. Dorothy I. Height in her book, “Open Wide the Freedom Gates,” we must take a long-handled spoon to reach down deep and stir it up. Candidate recruitment, electing and compensating party chairs and executive leadership will be foundational to state and local restructuring. 

Full organizational leadership in the framework of the 1964 Freedom Summer, as well as an army of volunteers are needed from across a broad spectrum of the nation to descend upon the southern United States. The South shall be the epicenter, symbol, and resurgence of the Democratic Party. From there, the entire nation will
“lay hold on the promises of democracy.”


A Youth Movement

A national youth movement has to take hold. For the first time in our nation’s history, the youth vote is equivalent to the traditional seasoned voters aged sixty-five (65) and older. The youth are critical to the socioeconomic and political apparatus of this country. And, our politics ought to reflect such. Therefore, I seek to work with those within the Party to get all youth age eighteen to thirty-five (18-35) registered to vote nationally. A strategic plan that supplements and supplants the current Democratic National Committee (DNC) stance on the matter, as well as register all high school, college, and university students is among the first orders of business. Furthermore, the Committee must recognize youth on councils, caucuses, and subcommittees. 

2030 Census And Reapportionment

The Democratic Party must be engaged in such a way that our presence brings about greater systemic, structural, sustainable change at all levels of government and civic life. What strikes a chord at the heart of democracy is in an accurate decennial census and reapportionment. That is where Democrats ought to centralize and coalesce our focus.

A demographic shift underway in this country. The Democratic Party stands on a tightrope as redistricting takes place in 2031. We must take back the reigns of power in states where Republican majorities and trifectas exists. That process begins with the forthcoming 2026, 2028, and 2030 elections.

Urban centers and the counties were “cracked” and “packed” during the 2021 reapportionment cycle. Unfairly drawn maps fling open the door and takes off the hinges to voter suppression. Congressional seats, local and state legislative districts were redrawn to dilute the vote of people of color. The gerrymandered maps are a mirror to America which shows that discriminatory practices endure, and they are designed for Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities to lose their voice.

We must be proactive in political cartography and educating on the significance of the census and reapportionment.



JUNE 3, 2024



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